Rolva Picture

Your Friendly Traveler


Front-End Web Dev / Audio Mixer / Gamer

"If you need help, you can always just ask me!"

My Links!

About me

I'm a traveler that has one wish, and it's to be friends with everyone!
I've been travelling to different communities to help anyone that I can.

I don't bite so you can always just chat me! Be wary though, sometimes I get very busy... Nice to meet you !


NOTE: The following are base prices
and may be subjected to change based on the
difficulty and the length of the track.

TypeVocal CleanupVocal Mix (w/harms)Tuning & TimingFull Package
Per Person$8$17$20$40

Vocal Cleanup WILL ONLY include the following: De-Essing, Noise Cleanup, Clicking Removal
Base Track length of 5 minutes, if it exceeds more than that, then please do note that the price will increase at my discretion !!

Terms of Service

~ Please do note that I'm still just a beginner (started learning 2 years ago) ;;~ Have fun and record your voice with the best timing and pitch you possibly can !! :D~ If you want to commission me, please do message me or email me first!~ Please send your file recordings RAW and in .WAV format !
(RAW means that there are NO effects or changes in the audio.)
You can send them in a .RAR File format !!~ Please don't clip vocals !! ;-; If it clips, Record your vocals at 70%
(Clipping means that your mic exceeds the max threshold, it will hurt my ears ;;)
~ Name your files properly !! (Indicate which are the vocals, harmonies, etc.)

Rolva Picture

~ I'll ask for a retake if ever a vocal is hard to mix with !! I'll indicate the problem and the possible fixes we can do to make it work :D~ Revisions are free !! I'll edit it as how you would like it to sound like, but please make sure not to overwork me... ;;~ The starting price of a full package can be paid at 50%, and once I have done 90% of the progress, I would ask for the other 50% !!~ Rushed requests will add an additional 25% fee.~ Once both parties have agreed to work, it will take me 5-12 Days depending on the complexity of the song. If I can finish it in less than 5 Days without rushing, then, you are lucky! :D~ My only payment method as of now:

Paypal Payment Method